When your employees can convey your key messages clearly, they can raise the profile of your company and brand. Using our innovative VR simulation training, your employees will build their presentation confidence faster, and you can measure their progress.
The truth is that your staff don’t need a special talent to be good at presenting.
All they need is practice and feedback to improve.
At InsightSphere we believe that every individual has the potential to become an exceptional presenter through consistent practice and feedback.
Imagine a world where your employees explain new products and projects in a way that is:
- Confident
- Clear
- Captivating
Leaving your audience wanting to know more.
Build confidence speaking thanks to our VR lifelike audience
AI feedback with areas to improve
Personalised training developed by our TEDx speaker trainers
Unlimited simulation trainings
Measure your learning ROI
How it works
- put on the VR headset (provided by us)
- train
- measure success
See our solution in action:
Our Team
Noemi Alvarez
Co-founder & CEO
Technical Marketing, prev. eBay, DeinDeal, Kuoni
Patricia Wintrebert
Co-founder & CTO
AI & Machine Learning Engineer,
Ma. Sc. AI MINES Paris Tech
Mircea Marginean
Full Stack Developer
M. S. Computer Science Technical University Cluj Napoca
Lucian Lazar
Full Stack Developer
M. S. Computer Science Babes-Bolyai University Cluj Napoca
Régis Blanc
Google Software Engineer
Tanja Ruesch
Global HR Exec. & Chief People Officer, Ex-GetYourGuide, Amazon & eBay
Christopher Lübbers
TEDx Lausanne Speaker Trainer, EPFL Lecturer
Jacky Bossey
TEDx Lausanne Speaker Trainer, VR Expert